The #1 jobs and auditions platform for Web Series Actors in the world

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Why join us?

Mandy Actors, formerly Casting Call Pro, is a the leading web series acting auditions platform in the world. Find and apply for web series acting jobs, create your own portfolio; showcase your skills and get noticed!

For Web Series Actors

  • Apply for web series acting jobs from top employers across the International entertainment industry
  • Receive tailored web series acting job alerts
  • Create a FREE website - hosting included!
  • Network with your peers using our Forum and Noticeboard
  • Get the latest web series acting advice and tips
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For Employers

  • Post web series acting jobs for FREE
  • Use our search engine to find perfect web series actors
  • Add images and media to your Job Posts to attract the best web series actors
  • Schedule auditions, interviews and create shortlists
  • Reach the best talent worldwide - request video auditions!
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