In need of an agent

I'm 21 year old Iranian actress looking for an agents either in Britain or in Europe.
I speak English excellently and with a convincing British accent and I'm also fluent in Greek and French. I have the ability to learn Italian lines as well.

I'm skilled in swimming, cycling and rollerblading and I have decent ability in horseback riding, running and skiing. I have years of experience in painting and drawing.

As I have mentioned in my portfolio I have some experience on set and I'm well trained in arts and literature.

I have a valid international passport and if I get an agent I'll be able to find employment in Britain or Europe.

Yesterday I applied for British, Spanish and Italian agencies, but I think if someone considered me good enough they would've contacted me immediately. Maybe I'm totally wrong.

Do you think I'll succeed?

  • 2 years ago
  • 1,411
  • 2
omar Aziz

Send them on mandy. Good luck

  • 2 years ago
  • 1
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