Agile Entertainment

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Agile Entertainment is a full service company, specializing in casting and music for the videogame, film, television, animation, advertising and multi-media industries. We have an extensive, dedicated team that includes voice coaches, in-studio directors, engineers, writers, musicians, project managers, producers and voice casting directors.

With over 10 years experience in casting, Agile Entertainment caters to the needs of any voice, music or sound production of our clients. We are able to handle everything in-house, thereby removing the logistical headaches and providing fast, high quality turn-around.

We pride ourselves in delivering the best quality in all of our work. Be it a small-sized production or a large scale AAA title, Agile Entertainment understands the needs of its clients and the importance of delivering a top quality product when the need to meet a strict deadline is fast approaching

Connected mandy members:

Nick Vespe
Executive Assistant
2018, Agile Entertainment, Assistant

Agile Entertainment Jobs

For details of known Agile Entertainment vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information