Avant Garde Corporate Role PLay

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Avant Garde Corporate Role PLay. If you are interested in working with Avant Garde Corporate Role PLay or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Avant Garde Corporate Roleplay have been involved in interactive work since 1992 through training and peformance.

Core Team:

Richard Hazelgrove. Has previously worked in the NHS (pharmaceutical), Engineering, and Dispatch industries along with later extensive experience in Television, Film and Interactive Theatre. (Eastenders, Casualty, Foyles War etc).

Anne Hazelgrove RGN. Has worked extensively in the NHS. Now a fully qualified NVQ assessor

Connected mandy members:

Adam Baylis
2011, Murder Mystery Night, Harrington Foxley
Old Alresford Place
2007, Police Interrogation Skills Development, Interrogation Suspect

Avant Garde Corporate Role PLay Jobs

For details of known Avant Garde Corporate Role PLay vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Advent Garde