City Lit

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with City Lit. If you are interested in working with City Lit or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

City Lit is London's ultimate destination for inspiring evening, daytime and weekend courses for adults. Each year we offer thousands of part-time courses, always trying to follow new trends and the passions and interests of our learners.

Most of our classes take place in our bright, modern flagship building in Covent Garden and are taught by inspiring teachers, many of whom are leading experts and practitioners in their field

Connected mandy members:

2014, Me and My Girl, Bill Snibson
The City Literary Institute
Sarah Mizon
Sound No.3 / A3
2014, Hamlet, Sound Operator
City Lit, London
Sarah Mizon
Sound No.3 / A3
2014, Grimms Tales, Sound Operator
City Lit, London
2014, City-Lit, Ballet teacher
Sarah Mizon
Sound No.3 / A3
2014, Cause Célèbre, Sound Operator
City Lit, London
2014, Capture The Flag, Charlotte
Etcetra Thaetre, Shools and a Prison
Sophie OShea
2014, Blood Wedding, Servant
John Lyon Theatre
Sophie OShea
2013, Yerma, Yerma
John Lyon Theatre
Edmund Duff
2013, Westway, Mike Murray
Samuel Treon
2013, Westway, Haroun
Levi James
2013, Wayland the Smith, Egil / & Otvin
2013, Tis Pity She's a Whore, Friar
John Lyon Theatre
Samuel Treon
2013, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Narrator
Edmund Duff
2013, The Birthday, Roger
Alma Moreno
2013, Spirits Within: La Casa Flamenca, Adela
City Lit
Edmund Duff
2013, Sideways, Michael
Clare Almond
2013, Romeo and Juliet, Nurse
Clare Almond
2013, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet
2013, Rhythm of Life, Theresa McTerry (Joanna Murray-Smith's Bombshells)
2013, Rhythm of Life, Lou (Dennis Kelly's DNA)

City Lit Jobs

For details of known City Lit vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

City Lit Access to HE Diploma (Drama) Group, City lit class, City Lit, Covent Garden, City Lit, London, City Literary Institute, The City Lit