Coventry University

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Coventry University. If you are interested in working with Coventry University or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

It is a university based in Coventry, UK.

Connected mandy members:

Joshua Patel
2012, The Suicide - N. Erdman, Assistant Director
Ellen Terry Theatre
2012, The House of Alba, Martyr
Ellen Terry Theatre
Colm Bateman
2012, Six Characters in Search of an Author, The Son
Coventry University
2012, Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Rebecca Gibbs
Ellen Terry Theatre
Jon Welling
2012, Foley and Music Task, Digital Music Module
Nate Ryan
2012, Alice in Wonderland, Ensemble / Musician
Coombe Abbey Country Park
Lauren Mosedale
2011, University Theatre, Student
2011, Twelfth Night, Sir Toby Belch
Ellen Terry Theatre
2011, Shadows (Animated short), Director
Nate Ryan
2011, Mister Puntila and His Man Matti, Attaché
Ellen Terry
Joshua Patel
2011, Grimm Tales, Prince, Player
Memorial Park
Carly Daniel
Production Assistant
2011, Everybody Looks Famous, Camera Operator
Emily Turvey
Camera Operator (HD)
2011, Dreamer, Director/Animator/Editor
Daniel Rowland
Production Assistant
2011, Coventry Univeristy, Director, Editor
Alice Pegrum
2011, Cigarettes & Chocolate, Mother
Coventry University
Carly Daniel
Production Assistant
2011, Chasing Her, Director
Alice Pegrum
2011, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Titania
Coventry University
Alice Pegrum
Theatre Administrator
2011, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Actor - Titania
Alice Pegrum
Theatre Administrator
2010, Twelfth Night, Actor - Malvolio
Alice Pegrum
2010, Twelfth Night, Malvolio
Coventry University

Coventry University Jobs

For details of known Coventry University vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Coventry University (Acua Solutions Ltd), Coventry University Symposium