Green Banana

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Green Banana. If you are interested in working with Green Banana or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

From conception to completion, Green Banana is here to fulfil all your filming needs. Scripting to shooting, editing to sound, directing to animation: we pride ourselves on our friendly and flexible approach.

Green Banana is passionate about delivering high-quality film, tailoured to suit individual budgets and needs. And as a social enterprise, we are equally passionate about playing our part in the Y2K charity [Youth 2000 Project] based in Mayfield, Dalkeith. Operating within the charity, we are unique in our social responsibility to the local community and our commitment to investing our profits back into local charitable youth work.

Green Banana caters to all budgets to make film accessible for all, tirelessly exercising our quirky imaginations to give you the very best of high-quality innovative film-making.

Connected mandy members:

2011, The Slide - Crime Drama, Midwife
2011, Serious Organised Crime, Mum
Daniel Jewell
2011, Crime (Working Title), Production Assistant/Camera Assistant
Sarah Mawdsley
Set Designer
2011, Crime, Production assistant
2011, Crime, Clare

Green Banana Jobs

For details of known Green Banana vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Green Banana Films, Green Banana Productions, Green Bannana