Illumina Digital

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Illumina Digital. If you are interested in working with Illumina Digital or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Illumina is a multi award-winning new media company which is at the forefront of the creation and development of multi-media experiences to inspire learning.

Leaders in the fields of education, technology and the arts, Illumina is aligned to, and works with a cohort of powerful brands and influential bodies including the BBC, the National Theatre, RSC, Channel 4, the Welsh Assembly and the DfES. Our core business is to produce original content from concept to delivery for our clients across multiple distribution platforms.

Connected mandy members:

2017, Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock, Voiceover
Eugene Johnson
Production Designer
2015, Illumina, Production Designer
2011, Illumina Digital, Voiceover - Polish accent
Illumina Digital
Angela May
2011, Hope Towers, Kate Chang / Nurse Chela Wang
2011, Hope Towers, Ralph Grey & various
Illumina Digital's London Base.
John kamau
2011, Cliffhanger, Debrum
Illumina Digital Studio
Alex Ward
2008, Language Education, Student characters, UK,US,Australian students.
Cutglass studio's
Magdalene Mills
Actor, Singer
2008, BBC Learning zone (science), Sunbather
Illumina Studios
Tom Murphy
Actor, Singer
2008, BBC Learning Zone, Dad and sunbather
Anita Verma
2007, The Centre of the Cell (Flu Interactive), Newsreader
2007, Modern Foreign Languages Game, Georgina
Illumina Digital Studios
Sonu Louis
2007, MFL Game, Ralf
2007, HOPE TOWERS (SPANISH), Ignacio Sanchez
2007, Hope Towers, Mr Pommier
2007, Hope Towers, Ralph Grey
Saul Marron
Voice Over: Scottish
2007, Hillside, Mark
Saul Marron
2007, Hillside, Darren Ellis
2007, Customer Care, Ben Kolade (lead)
Daniel Rodrigues
Voice Over: English
2007, 'Hillside' - DfES/QIA Training Tool, Raj Gupta
2007, 'Hillside' - DfES/QIA Training Tool, Raj Gupta

Illumina Digital Jobs

For details of known Illumina Digital vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names
