
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Microsoft. If you are interested in working with Microsoft or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

At Microsoft our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realise their full potential.

Connected mandy members:

2012, X Box Motion Launch, Dancer
2012, Windows 7 & Windows 8, Spokesmodel
Jade Nguyen
Voice Over: Vietnamese
2012, Telephone prompts, Voice over
Ben Whitehead
Sound Technician
2012, Rare Ltd, Quality Assurance Tester
Silvana Montoya
Voice Over: Spanish, Latin-American
2012, Pitch for video game, Child voiceover
Mike Morelli
2012, MSN Press, MSN Press Videographer
Egle Dargyte
Voice Over: Lithuanian
2012, Microsoft Education and Awareness Program, Program Manager
Jamie Huckle
Camera Operator (HD)
2012, Malawi - Microsoft Journey, Film and Edit
Emma Hignett
Voice Over: English
2012, Interactive Telephone System, Voice over artist
2012, Halo 4, Librarian
2012, Emerging Leader Development Programme, Phillip Shaw
Yukari Snapes
Voice Over: Japanese
2012, Corporlate Video, Narrator
2011, SmartArt 2010, Tutor
2002 studios
Egle Dargyte
Voice Over: Lithuanian
2011, Microsoft, voice
Garth Collins
Voice Over: American - Standard
2011, Microsoft, Narrator
2011, Interactive management training, Sam Rogers, IT Consultant
Tomas Fuller
Sound Designer
2011, Forza4Westfields, VJ/Cam Assist
Radhika Aggarwal
Voice Over: English
2011, Enterprise Agreements, Presenter
2011, Emerging Leader Development, Philip Shaw. Lead Consultant

Microsoft Jobs

For details of known Microsoft vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Microsoft & Hewlett Packard, Nokia/Microsoft UK