North Bank Entertainment

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Spearheaded by award winning Welsh filmmakers Andrew Jones and Ian Grey, the company is committed to films that succesfully reconcile the artistic and business aspects to the industry in order to allow innovative Independent filmmaking to reach the widest possible audience.

Connected mandy members:

2017, Cabin 28, Bo
Bodo Friesecke
Voice Over: German
2016, The Toymaker, SS Leader Gebhardt
Jo Weil
2016, The Toymaker, Officer Hermann Fegelein
Nigel Barber
2016, The Curse of Robert the Doll, Walter Berenson
2016, The Curse of Robert the Doll, Jennifer Otto
2016, Kill Kane, Victoria Brookes
2016, Conjuring of the Dead (Valley of the Witch -USA), Kristen Matthews (Lead)
Tessa Wood
2015, The Last House on Cemetery Lane (feature), Mrs. Connelly
On Location in Wales
Judith Haley
2015, The Exorcism of Anna Eklund, Mother Superior
Swansea, Cardiff and Llanelli
2015, THE EXORCISM OF ANNA ECKLUND, Monsignor Lamberto
2015, Robert the Doll, Jennifer Otto (lead female)
2015, Robert the Doll, Maid/Supporting
2015, Robert The Doll, Steven
Judith Haley
2015, Robert the Doll, Agatha
Tricia Ford
2015, Poltergeist Activity, Ethel
Michael Alan-Bailey
Actor, Dancer
2015, Kill Kane, Max Brookes
Kane Surry
2015, Kill Kane, Jamie
2015, A Haunting at the Rectory, Marianne (lead female)
2014, Valley of the Witch, Shannon Griffiths
2014, Theatre of Fear ( Midnight Horror Show), The Reaper

North Bank Entertainment Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Northbank Entertainment/Mad Science Films