Old Lamp Films

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Old Lamp Films. If you are interested in working with Old Lamp Films or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Old Lamp Films is the boutique independent production company founded by British actor and filmmaker Mike Archer to develop, produce and distribute a slate of limited budget, high quality motion pictures to the national and international market place.

Connected mandy members:

Tayo Elesin
2013, The Journey of Alfred Small, Kendal Haze
Nina Igbino
Make-up Artist
2013, The Journey of Alfred Small, Head of Make-up Dept
jason welsh
2013, The Journey Of Alfred Small, Police Officer
Stefan Scally
Art Dept Assistant
2013, The Journey of Alfred Small, Storyboard Artist
2013, The Journey of Alfred Small, Mary
Park Royal, London
Mike Archer
2013, The Journey of Alfred Small, Police Support Officer

Old Lamp Films Jobs

For details of known Old Lamp Films vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information