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Pathe has enjoyed great success with The Queen which won multiple awards including an Oscar for Helen Mirren. Pathe also produced Nick Love's controversial and commercially successful film, Outlaw, Saul Dibb's The Duchess, starring Kiera Knightly and Ralph Fiennes and Jane Campion's Bright Star, starring Ben Whishaw and Abbie Cornish.

Connected mandy members:

Dave Perry
2016, A United Kingdom, Thug 1
Richard Spooner
Dubbing Mixer
2016, A United Kingdom, re-recording mixer
George Fox
Director of Photography
Mark Harriott
Art Director
2015, Pride, Props Buyer/ Set dresser
David Gale
2015, Florence Foster Jenkins, Foster's Son
Yasemin Kascioglu
Costume Designer
2015, Florence Foster Jenkins, Costume Assistant
Georgina Higgins
Script Supervisor
2015, Florence Foster Jenkins, Assistant Script Supervisor
Selen Hurer
Make-up Artist
2015, A United Kingdom, Make-up and hair crowd dailee
Elliott Purchase
AD (3rd)
2014, Suffragette, Locations (dailies)
2014, Pathe, Peter Vangininge
2013, Zulu, Constable Lombard
Kim MacAskill
Development Producer
2013, The Dinner Party, Producer's Assistant
James Hare
2013, Pride, Young Miner
Workmans Club, Slough
2013, Philomena, Sister Anunciata
Gavin Whenman
Script Reader
2012, Various projects, Script reader
Sally Cram
Wardrobe Assistant
2011, The Iron Lady, Costume Trainee
Emma Sheffield
Make-up Artist
2011, The Iron Lady, Prosthetic make up assistant
2011, The Iron Lady, Party Supporter
2011, The Iron Lady, Conservative MP
Robert Hider
Actor, Singer
2011, The Iron Lady, Cabinet Minister
Langley House, Berks

Pathe Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Heyman Hoskins Prodiuction, Heyman Hoskins Productions, Heyman-Hoskins, Pathé, Pathe Films, Pathe Films/BBC Films, Pathe Pictures, Pathe Production, Pathe Productions, Pathe/BBC