Salford University

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Salford University. If you are interested in working with Salford University or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

A university in Salford

Connected mandy members:

2012, All Mighty Lulu, Lulu
Peter Neaves
2011, The Walk, Frank
Kaitlin Howard
Fight Co-Ordinator
2011, The Three Musketeers, Fight Co-ordinator
Ryan Dolan
2011, The Bremen Town Musicians, Robber No 2/Master
The Robert Powell Theatre
2011, Robbin Hoodie and the Great Ballsup, Detective Inspector Watkins
2011, Kaleidoscope, Nurse
Kadie Jo Green
Actor, Singer
2011, Graduate Showcase, Actor / Musical Director
Contact Theatre
Susan Bowery
Personal Assistant
2011, Brass Band charity concert, Recording / sound assistant
Tony Goodall
2010, Scene from 'It's a Wonderful Life', Clarence Odbody (lead)
Salford University
Ash Baines
2010, Romeo & Juliet, Romeo
2010, On the Sidelines, Editor
2010, Life, Jo (lead)
2010, Hooked, Editor
Christopher Wharton
Editor (Final Cut Pro)
2010, Beauty and the Parasite, Animation
Jon Crowther
Production Manager
2009, Various, Part-Time Technical Theatre Lecturer
Pendleton Centre
2009, Speechless, Julie
Angel Cafe, Salford
2009, Five Kinds of Silence, Susan
Laurence Kaye
Musical Director
2009, Dance and Physical Theatre, Vocal Lecturer, Salford University
Salford University
2009, Cracker, Inspector Fitz
Salford Unicersity
2009, BNP Bus Stop, Editor

Salford University Jobs

For details of known Salford University vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Final project at University of Salford, Salford City College, Salford Uni, Salford University BBC UK