
2012, 15 minutes

the legend of incredible love

It is a mysterious legend,which action takes place in the end of 19th century. There was a girl, who was very talented: she painted very good, wrote stories for children, played piano, composed music, everybody were admiring her. But suddenly at the age of 18 she died and left her father along in the big house and with his sorrow. His sorrow was so painful, so he became mad and went so deep into mystery to do his best to get her back, he wrote some books, made his house all with portals for spirits coming, sometimes he seemed like she appeared to him, gave him signs. The house became full of mysterious events. But once when he was very old sitting in her room, still working on some home planning, some words appeared on the blank paper he took: "I'm happy. I love you. We should meet each other again... Your Julia" In the end we see the beautiful castle, on the top of it there is line saying: "For my eternal love, my daughter, Julia" . Based on the true story.

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Liliya Gavrish