What does it take to get a job from Mandy!?

I apply for several daily, I have good experience and a full CV. Some of them I feel could suit me to a tee (I know competition is fierce and I'm not naive) but I get barely any interest. Some applications don't even. get viewed even though I may have applied pretty quick off the mark. I have never had one paid job from here in ages - though I get paid work elsewhere - obviously everything is quieter than normal generally atm. Is there a trick to it or something fundamental I am doing wrong? Feel free to peep at my profile to see if I am coming across like a nob or something. But I had a subscription a while ago and in one year I did one paid job - a testimonial (which was really fun btw!) so I cancelled my subscription and only recently renewed it (earlier this year) but I feel like I must be doing something wrong.Anyone else have this?

  • 3 years ago
  • 8,725
  • 42
Toni Brooks

This is why I don't self tape when I haven't been shortlisted. The chances of people looking at more than 50 - and that's a very generous estimate - are next to zero and to go to the trouble of doing a self tape, which actually takes anything up to 3 hours to do, and not have that viewed is disheartening and vexatious. I now reply that I would love to be considered for a particular role but will only send my showreel and explain the reason why. I've never been contacted by those people but that's more that they haven't even looked at my application in the first place!

  • 2 years ago
  • 41
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