
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Kallidus. If you are interested in working with Kallidus or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Award winning learning/ talent solutions to generate business

Connected mandy members:

Voice Over: English
2017, GTR | One Step Ahead, Priyanka
Tim Hayward
Voice Over: English
2017, Corporate Animation - Sainsbury's, Voice Over
Suzie Rai
Voice Over: English
2017, Business Training Video, Voice role of manager talking to employee in training video
Nathan Banks
Voice Over: English
2017, Bupa: 'Fighting Financial Crime', Tony
Philip Brett king
Voice Over: English
2017, Animation (internal), Voice Actor
Carl Mason
Voice Over: English
2016, Yorkshire Building Society, voice over
2016, YBS - How your mortgage works?, Simon
Grahame Edwards
Voice Over: English
2016, YBS, 'Mr Worthington' Animation Narrator
Benjamin Noble
Voice Over: English
2016, YBS, Richard
Tom Kelly
2016, Travel For London - Training Video, Steady-cam Operator
Shabana Hussain
Voice Over: English
2016, TfL: Performance & Competence System, Sita Patel
Nick Cowell
Voice Over: English
2016, TfL Good practice, TfL Manager
Lorna Reed
Voice Over: English
2016, TFL - ELearning Program, Instructor
Lorna Reed
Voice Over: English
2016, TFL - Attendance Management, Lisa
2016, TfL, Voiceover
Tim Parker
2016, TFL, Character Intro
Tim Parker
2016, TFL, Andy
2016, Property App Photoshoot, Model
Tim Parker
2016, Network Rail - Training Video (Documentary Style), Bob
On Location Swindon
Nick Cowell
Voice Over: English
2016, Marcia and Ronnie, Ronnie

Kallidus Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Kallidus (Tfl), Kallidus Limited, Kallidus Ltd