MIca Films

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with MIca Films. If you are interested in working with MIca Films or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Connected mandy members:

Angela Myers
2013, Airthief, Carol - (Narrator for opening of film)
Charlbury, Oxfordshire
Tracey Chatterley
Voice Over: English
2012, Clingfilm, Mum
2008, My Favourite Time of the Day, Teddy Bear VO
Stuart Packer
Voice Over: English
2008, My Favourite Time of the Day, Voice of The Teddy Bear
2008, Grand Union Canal, Detective
2007, The Corpse Wore White, Luigi Bernadino
2007, GRAND UNION CANAL, Policeman
Gill Stoker
2006, The Corpse Wore White, Sarah Potts
David Sayers
2006, The Corpse Wore White, Michael

MIca Films Jobs

For details of known MIca Films vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

mico films