
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Mother. If you are interested in working with Mother or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

“Jacqueline proved to be an excellent voice over choice for one of our global clients, who needed a native Latin American Spanish speaker. She was very versatile and responded well to direction. And above all, she was fun to work with!”

Connected mandy members:

Julio Galan
Voice Over: Spanish, Latin-American
2014, Stella Artois, Narrator
Julio Galan
Voice Over: Spanish, Latin-American
2014, Stella Arois, Narrator
Helen Belbin
Voice Over: Scottish
2014, Halfords, Mum (VO)
yana yanezic
2014, FOX'S BISCUITS, Board
2014, Comedy Central, Jess
2014, Boots the Chemist, passer by
2014, Boots order & collect campaign, Shopper
Tom Hadrill
2014, Art Against Knives Role Models, Director
Craig Cathcart
Editor (Final Cut Pro)
2013, Mood films, campaign briefs, Editor
2012, Unilever, Bus Passenger
Norma Cohen
2012, Unilever, cheery bus passenger
2012, Stella Artois Cidre, Saxophonist
2012, Stella Artois, Japanese scientist
Dom Lorenzo
2012, Music is Great, Live Music is Great, Food is Great, Fashion is Great, Editor
2011, Goodfella’s Pizza Commercial, Reporter
2011, Belong - Shift MS, Keith
Lowri Lewis
2011, Belong, Jane
for charity Shift MS
2010, WeightWatchers, Deer
Neil Harris
2010, Stella Artois, Jazz trumpeter
Teddington Studios
Corinne Kempa
Voice Over: French
2010, STELLA ARTOIS, voice-over

Mother Jobs

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Alternative Company Names

Bosh@Mother, Bosh@Mother London, Mother Advertising, Mother Advertising Ltd, Mother London, Mother London Limited, Mother Ltd