Royal Holloway

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Royal Holloway. If you are interested in working with Royal Holloway or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Royal Holloway has one of the leading departments of Drama and Theatre in the UK with an international reputation for the excellence of its research.

Connected mandy members:

Athena Phos
2014, Unknown X, Solo Dance
Boilerhouse Theatre
Max Puplett
2014, Trigger, Trigger
2014, The Massacre Project, Glandeve
Amy Reitsma
2014, Royal Holloway, Ashleigh
2014, Love's Labour's Lost, Boyet
Jane Holloway Hall
2014, Danilosophy, Daniela
Adam Wittek
2013, WHAT IT MEANS TO BE ALVIN BANDURA (web pilot), Alvin Bandura (episode lead)
2013, Waiting for Godot, Vladimir
Athena Phos
2013, The Waiting Game, Lead Dancer
Boilerhouse Theatre
2012, The Pillowman, Katurian
Athena Phos
2012, Snow White & The Seven Deathly Sins, Snow White
Sutherland House
Julian Coman
2012, Media Arts, Kidnapper
Stuart Hough
2011, Tyson, Tyson (lead)

Royal Holloway Jobs

For details of known Royal Holloway vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information