
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Skullduggery. If you are interested in working with Skullduggery or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Fringe theatre production company specialising in new works particularly at th Edinburgh Fringe.

Their last production was in about 2007

Connected mandy members:

Carys Lewis
2006, Mrs Bob Cratchitt's Wild Christmas Binge, Mrs Cratchitt plus multi-role
New Wimbledon Theatre Studios
2005, Golden Prospects - the Los Angeles Melodrama, Barker/Crump/McCafferty/Devil
C Venue
2002, I am Oscar Wilde/ Croydon Warehouse, Oscar Wilde
Helen Stern
2002, I am Oscar Wilde, Lucy
C Venue, Croydon Warehouse
2001, I am Star Trek/ Hackney Empire, Shaw Theatre, Gene Roddenberry ((Lead)

Skullduggery Jobs

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