Smith and Jones

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Smith and Jones. If you are interested in working with Smith and Jones or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Filming Company with a huge list of big jobs.

Connected mandy members:

Joan Pla
Line Producer
2016, Hearthstone "Let's Take it Inside", Production Coordinator
Simon Prag
2016, Craverider - Busy Sunday, Hiker
Nigel Barber
2015, Old Spice, Woods 'Discover Nature', Forest Ranger
Pinewood Studios
2015, Mars, Auction Bidder
Lulu Miller
2014, Advert, Medieval Wench
2014, Tesco Mobile "Enough Said" Campaign, Presenter
2014, Tesco Mobile "Enough Said", Presenter
Brendan McCoy
Voice Over: English
2014, "Medieval Getaway" Commerical, Prisoner
2014, "Medieval Getaway", Prisoner
Todd Kramer
2013, Toshiba, Lead
2011, Toshiba: The Power of Yes - Milk, Fridge Man
Lulu Miller
2011, Toshiba Advert, Featured Zombie
Chris Rogers
2011, Toshiba - Ramification of Yes, Product Engineer
David Niman
2011, SNY Sports, Brad (Sasquatch)
2011, SNY Muscles, Skinny Guy (Hero)
2011, SNY Libido, Dawn
Black Island Studios
John Hukka
2010, Skittles, Brother
Sean Barclay
Location Scout
2010, PepsiCo - Sierra Mist, Location Scout
Rick Fairlamb
Storyboard Artist
2009, goldfish, drench water
Anthea Nelson
Production Designer
2009, Cadbury's, Art Director

Smith and Jones Jobs

For details of known Smith and Jones vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Smith & Jones, Smith & Jones Films, Smith & Sons Films, Smith and Jones Films