With or Without Contract?

I've been approached by an agency via CCP who would like to take me on without meeting me, and without a contract.

They seem very above board (I'm far from green in this industry) and the agent in question has been around for a long time.

My question is: am I being overly cynical to want a contract with an agency?

I'm aware of a sort of "gentleman's agreement" tradition in the industry, so don't want to turn them down out of hand. But I'm also keen to have everything in writing, so we both know what's expected of us and to avoid disagreements later.

Answers on a postcard...

  • 13 years ago
  • 4,175
  • 22

If it was either of the ones I was talking to you about last week, then I'm afraid it doesn't surprise me!

Keep at it, you'll get there and it will feel all the more sweeter when you have a decent agent working with you!

  • 13 years ago
  • 21
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