A date for your diary 20th September

Alan Brent

The time has come round once again for the Yorkshire Ridings General Equity Branch AGM.
As those who managed to get in to the last one will tell you this is far from a 'boring business meeting' but a Spectacular Event showing clips from films completed in our Region over the last 12 months, meeting Casting Directors, Agents, Film Makers and much more.
It is an Open Meeting, in as much as anyone can come along Equity member or not. Although naturally only members of the Branch can vote!
It is a Celebration of the work we have attracted to our Region through the efforts of our Committe and the behind the scenes work that is still continuing
to improve the work prospects of all of the actors in our Area.
Guest Speakers include CDs, and Special Guest Speaker on his first official outing is new President, Graham Hamilton, one of our Branches early members!
Catering has been laid on for afterwards as has the bar! This is no ordinary EVENT! This is better than and M&S Event!
Come one come all!
It starts at 10.30 am. But those who wish to come early and stay overnight rpior to the show may also get tickets to the Film Premiere at the Pictureville the night before which forms the opening of the 'Bite the Mango Festival' at the Media Museum.
The last one was 'In Bruges'.
I hope to see you ALL there!
Alan Brent
Yorkshire Ridings General Equity Branch

  • 15 years ago
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Alan Brent

Every who is anyone will be there! So although their name rings a bell ( as does the name 'Quasimodo') I'm sure they will be too!!
Why do you ask?

  • 15 years ago
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Alan Brent

Having said all of the above, I find that 'Made Up North' are in fact in Manchester in a Salford based production studios. They have a good and seemingly well set up web site easily accessible by 'googling' their name!!
Just call me 'Oracle of the Google'!! (But please remember that you must smile whilst saying it!)

  • 15 years ago
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Alan Brent

A common mistake! For future reference though....the Pennines divide two major counties. Yorkshire and Lancashire.
Yorkshire is 200 miles North of London and stretches out to the largest county in the country with three divisions called 'Ridings' or 'third part' because it is such a large area.
Lancashire, which includes major cities like Manchester (pronounced manchestoh) and Liverpool (which calls itself 'the city of culture'now!) pronounced 'liverpoooowol'. It also stretches up as far a Lancaster (near Scotland).
York (or Eboracum or Yorvic depending on the last time you visited as either a Roman or Viking) is the centre of the county of Yorkshire though Leeds (Conde Naste awards as Best City for Entertainment in aworld wide tourism competition) is calssed as the biggest city in Yorkshire. We don't mention Hull much since they cannot decide whether they are in Humberside or Yorkshire these days. Although they have the honour to be the home of Hull Truck Company who with author director John Godber at the helm are one of the best in the country. As is the Scarborough venue 'Stephen Joseph Theatre' which has Alan Aykbourne in residence.
I hope that explains why it is such an important location (and quite cheap to live in outside of London) north of Watford Gap services (by about 120 miles). The scenery and lifestyle is so peaceful comparatively that it always surprises me why so many people want to live so stacked up on top of each other in such a small place paying so much for the privilege of doing so!!??

  • 15 years ago
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Alan Brent

I'm pleased to announce that the show has been arranged and will include clips of films made in Yorkshire over the last twelve months.
If anyone has some quality work shot in Yorkshire please let me have a copy so it can be edited into this Megashowreel!

  • 15 years ago
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