Sharp as Marbles

Sharp as Marbles

2007, 90 minutes

Albert isnt the brightest bulb on the block, but hes got his best friends George and Ernie to help him out. The only problem is theyre just as dumb as he is. The trio constantly land way over their heads in a comical tale of the blind leading the blind.

Adam Gregory stars as Albert, a likable guy who isnt the brightest bulb on the block. Luckly for him hes got his best friends George (Sean Roberts) and Ernie (Simeon Taole) to help him. The trio constantly land way over their heads in a somical tale of the blind leading the blind. Sharp as Marbles is a fun-filled adventure that has non-stop laughs from start to finish. Elizabeth Thai (best known for her role in the feature film Saved along side Mandy Moore) also stars as well as Michael Roberds (Uncle Fester, from FOX-TVs The Addams Family) and Tom and Theo from the rock group GOB.

Sharp as Marbles

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