
2018, 15 minutes

Trapped by their crippling body confidence issues, a young couple must reveal their deepest insecurities to each other while getting dressed for a night out. Skin addresses both the insecurities and pressures of young people today, and how genuine connect

The idea of self-image has become increasingly pervasive in 21st century society. Exasperated by social media, self image is now at a point where it is inherently fuzed with the human condition. Why is that? The unattainable version of perfection that we constantly strive towards causes us to chase a dream that can never be fulfilled. There is an overexposure of media all around us, promoting lifestyles that are impossible to achieve. Skin reveals the sometimes negative effects that the online world has on young people, and shows how individuals are choosing to communicate, show love, and tend to their relationships differently because of this. Not only does this project have a visual pull through it’s intimate environment, but it has great emotional potential through the dynamic relationship between the two characters. Both Addison and Brandon struggle to accept their self-image, a common issue amongst young people today. Skin is a reminder that being comfortable with your body is a sometimes difficult, and ongoing process.