Adam and Eve DBB

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Adam and Eve DBB. If you are interested in working with Adam and Eve DBB or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

adam&eveDDB is a young
communications company made up of
people from advertising, design, digital,
technical, social media and direct.

Connected mandy members:

Horia Dragoi
Lighting Cameraperson
2018, John Lewis Baby and Child, Camera Trainee
Sam Lockhart
2018, John Lewis and partners, Robot army
School in London
2017, Strongbow, LAD
Neve Doyle
2017, Pause, Mother
2017, New Dawn, Veteran
2017, Lloyds TBS TV Commercial, Teacher
Liz Leonard
2017, It Doesn't Matter Why You're Here, Suburban mum
2017, Cardhu, Barrel Lady
Heidi Niemi
2017, Airwaves, Woman
Anne Rason
2017, AA Holiday Breakdown, Featured artiste car passenger
Sam South
2016, Visa Pay, Shopkeeper
2016, Strongbow, Lead
Crawford Blair
Voice Over: Scottish
2016, SSE Radio Campaign, Voice Artist
Geraldine Donaldson
Assistant Stage Manager
2016, Major ad campaign for a high street bank, Team Leader / Puppet, Wardrobe and Props Supervisor
2016, Lloyds Bank, Girlfriend
2016, Esso Garages, Flower Man
2016, Ebay Christmas TV Commercial, Extra - Teenager at School Disco TV
2016, Ebay, Zombie
cain&abel studio
Senia Devine
Voice Over: Russian
2015, Research for Exedrine Commercial, Voice over
2015, Halifax Jargon Buster Karate Master, Karate mum - extra

Adam and Eve DBB Jobs

For details of known Adam and Eve DBB vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Adam and Eve DDB, adam&eveDDB