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MIMO Productions is a Pune-based company engaged in conceiving, producing and delivering innovative audio-visual solutions for a host of communication purposes. Primarily MIMO operates in the Film and Television space and caters to a wide range of clients seeking to use the moving image media to communicate effectively with their target audience.

MIMO was launched on 24th February 1991 by Messrs Milind Dev and Mohan Bhat who jointly shared a dream to build an organisation with a clear focus on delivering innovative and best-in-class film and television products which would add value to the way people used audio-visual applications in their communication strategies.

Connected mandy members:

Gregory Cox
2011, Naked Eye, Tom Peck CEO
2010, The Sweet Life, Yoshio
Niina Topp
Production Designer
2010, The Sweet Life, Production and Costume Designer
2010, The Sweet Life, Norman's Cafe Girl
2007, Simon J Bailey / Secrets & Lies, Boyfriend


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