
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Nicorette. If you are interested in working with Nicorette or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Nicorette is the brand name of a pharmaceutical preparation that contains nicotine for the treatment of nicotine dependence.

Connected mandy members:

Lisa Hughes
2020, Lets hear it for the quitters, Hero role, ex smoker
2019, Without You, Mom
Nia Ashby
Camera Trainee
2018, Nicorette Lozenge, Spark
Tom Freeman
Voice Over: English
2017, Nicorette Stop Smoking App, Voiceover Artist
Lauren Terry
2015, Nicorette Cools, Child at a party
Park Royal
David Bull
Voice Over: English
2013, Stop Smoking, Host
Manolis Emmanouel
Voice Over: Greek
2009, Nicorette, Narrator
2008, Nicorette - Shark, Narrator
Katrine Bach
Voice Over: Danish
2008, Nicorette, voice
Mojca San
Voice Over: Slovenian
2007, Foreign Versions Ltd, Director/liaise of dubbing
Camilla Grevstad Laxton
Voice Over: Norwegian
2003, Nicorette Day Patches, Voice
Camilla Grevstad Laxton
Voice Over: Norwegian
2003, Nicorette Chewing Gum, Voice

Nicorette Jobs

For details of known Nicorette vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information