Trinity Laban

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Trinity Laban. If you are interested in working with Trinity Laban or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

The UK’s only conservatoire of music and contemporary dance. Leaders in music and contemporary dance education, they also provide exciting opportunities for the public to encounter dance and music, and access arts health programmes.

Connected mandy members:

Sarah Rhodes-Cannings
Deputy Stage Manager
2015, Pirates of Penzance, Stage Manager
Blackheath Halls
2015, Pirates of Penzance, Daughter
Blackheath Halls
Genevieve Giron
Lighting Technician
2015, Marie-Gabrielle Rotie and Matthias Sperling BA3 Com Works, Lighting Designer
Laban Theatre
2015, Lucky Stiff, Featured Ensemble
Stratford Circus
Eloise Hare
Actor, Singer
2015, Lucky Stiff, Annabel Glick
Stratford Circus
Catrin Powell
2015, Lucky Stiff, Flyman
Stratford Circus Arts Centre
2015, Lucky Stiff, Dominique
Stratford Circus Arts Centre
Sarah Rhodes-Cannings
Deputy Stage Manager
2015, Lucky Stiff, Stage Manager
Stratford Circus
Kitty Hawkins
Costume Supervisor
2015, Laban Dance conservatoire, Costume Maker
Helen Evans
The Ambassadors Theatre
Genevieve Giron
Lighting Technician
2015, Gary Clarke, Lighting Designer
Laban Theatre
Grzegorz Zajac
2015, Contemporary Dance, Technician
2015, Best friends and Butterflys, Headteacher
Schools around South East London
Alice Johnston
Assistant Stage Manager
2015, Best Friends and Butterflies, Stage Manager
Schools Tour
Joanne Dunne
Deputy Stage Manager
2015, A Midsummer Nights Dream, ASM
Blackheath Halls
Clare Walters
2014, Transitions Dance Company Mixed Bill - Stefanie Batten Bland, Dog Kennel Hill Project & Ikky Maas, Dancer
UK & International Tour
Paddy Magee
Lighting Technician
2014, Transitions, Sound operator/General tech
Sarah Rhodes-Cannings
Deputy Stage Manager
2014, Slice of Saturday night, Stage manager
Stratford circus
Anna K. Jordahl
Stage Manager
2014, Salad Days, Stage Manager
Blackheath Halls
2014, No One In The World, Leeza
Laban Theatre

Trinity Laban Jobs

For details of known Trinity Laban vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Laban, Laban MA Choreography, Nina Kov, Laban Youth Dance Company, Transitions Dance Company, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Trinity Music College