Modelling agencies

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Hi guys,

with new portfolio pics I have recently had done, I decided to try and open my options a bit and see if I could go down the modeling route too.

In applying for agencies, some were happy to take me on without even meeting me, providing I paid a 'joining fee'. Obviously, this immediately put me off as no musical theatre agent has ever asked me for fees to join their books! So I'm aware to steer clear of such agencies.

However, I was invited to an interview for an agency a few days ago, and they liked my look, character and photos. They told me that they wanted to offer me a place on their books and didn't ask for joining - even stating that they thought it an unnecessary ask! However, part of the condition of being taken on is that I do a 1 day modeling course that will teach me the basics of bring a model - including how to sell myself in a casting, knowing exactly what to do on a catwalk, etc. The catch is that I am the one that has to pay for it. And it's £300. Apparently they used to pay for their clients to do the course, but so many of them decided a few months down the line that they didn't want to do it anymore, that the agency now leave it up to us to pay as they then can see how serious we are about modelling.

Is this a good, professional and productive way to go ahead, or am I just handing over my money unnecessarily to a company that are taking advantage of young girls like me who are just trying so hard to break through?

They would like to know pretty urgently too if I am committed to the course or not, and I just don't know what to do!

Advice would be amazing!

Lorna x

  • 13 years ago
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First of all you were absolutely right not to cough up any money, because those agencies are definitely a scam. But as for this one, it is not uncommon for some agencies to ask for extra photos with a specific photographer, but the genuine ones, who can get you regular work often offer to take the payment out of your first assignment.
I hope you don't take offence to this, but although you are pretty, the average model who gets paid catwalk work is over 5'9 and nowadays, they are seeking girls even taller. So I'm not sure why you would need to take a 'course'.

Check out this website to see if they are mentioned. If you want to message me the name of the agency, you can. I used to a lot of modelling when I was younger and thinner ;)

Hope that is helpful


  • 13 years ago
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Melissa Hartzel
Actor, Talent

Steer clear! Ive never heard of that from a reputable agency. I used to be with quite a few good modelling agencies, feel free to message me for the names of the ones I was with that did get me good castings.

  • 13 years ago
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Hi Lorna (again!),

I would agree with both comments above, and particularly Catherine's observation about height. So sending you on a course for modelling work, at a cost of £300 seems odd, when it's going to be down to height a lot of the time anyway. Unless of course you do stills modelling (ie more along the lines of "real" people for brochures, ads etc..) which certainly doesn't require any special courses. Commercials models similarly wouldn't require special training, they just pick pretty people who can take direction! DO NOT hand over any money - I'll BET they're keen for you to "commit"!! Commit your cash, certainly! :)

  • 13 years ago
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Nigel Peever

"but so many of them decided a few months down the line that they didn't want to do it anymore"

I think that quote answers your question, why would so many leave if they were any good?

  • 13 years ago
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Rob Talbot


If you wire me £500 I'll tell you how commmitted and good you are. For £1000 I'll tell you you are even better.

What's astonishing is not that they are asking you to part with money but that they probably get a lot of takers.


  • 13 years ago
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Hi Lorna I hope you will listen to all the previous comments about this - I absolutely agree with them. A good, reputable model agent would offer any advice and help to new models they take on FREE OF CHARGE - it is in their interest to get a model to do well - then they earn the commission from the bookings they get you. Please tell them where to stick their modelling course. A model agent earns money from the bookings they get you (in commission). End of.

  • 13 years ago
  • 6

Hi there!

I found this really interesting as I had the same idea recently, I wondered if there was a market for me in 'petite modelling' and did the same thing!

I read on a few agencies that you may be asked to attend courses/classes for the agency to be able to promote you further? So i wonder if it's a similar thing as I have heard of people being sent for elecution lessons etc. The one thing I found a little confusing was an agency that sent me an email saying if I wanted to further my career I had to invest in a professional portfolio, taken by their photographers, that I would pay for. When, in the same email, I'd been told that unless I was part of a reputable agency I shouldn't pay out for a professional portfolio!

I find the modelling world very confusing, there does seem to be a lot of 'this isn't a joining fee.....but you need to pay us for such and such' out there! It could be worth asking exactly what skills you would gain from this that relevant acting training hasn't helped with?

For instance, when I was at college we had lessons on 'walking' and 'marketing ourselves', I would've thought any actor could make a relatively easy transition?

Much love and success for the future!
Jo x

  • 13 years ago
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charles delaney
Actor, Singer

An authentic model management agency would invest in YOU; Not the other way round!
A portfolio ,(your own personal model book) would have to be produced & a number of photo shoots with respectable photographers set up before & ongoing during your career.
The model agent themselves invests in clients & pays for these costs upfront.
Anyone asking for money from you upfront is NOT legit,period!
Send you current headshots to Storm & Premier model management agencies & see what they have to say.There's also a commercial agency called M.O.T. (Models out of town) which may be able to help.
I had the unenviable experience of running a model agency for 3 years before going professional as an actor.
If you click on one of my show reels here on CCP called 'Frock N' Roll' all is revealed!
Hope that helps.

  • 13 years ago
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I agree,

Don't part with your money ever. I'm with BMA and they signed me without seeing me.. however have never asked me for money and I go to castings all the time! x

  • 13 years ago
  • 9

Your experience seems to have opened up a Pandora's Box of replies to this. I have only on occasion dipped my toes into the waters of the modelling world. It has always been a case of my pictures not been good enough or being asked to cough up money to get a photographer of their choice to do the pictures. I was taken on my one agency last month but have not heard anything since. Think I will call them and see if I am still on their books.

The contributions thus far is pretty much the type of response you would get concerning agencies within the modelling world.

  • 13 years ago
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Hi Lorna,

Such good sensible comments from all the replieeees!!! NEVER EVER get sucked into anything like this ''oh but you have to do a course'' mallarchy. Its just a way of getting money. As said before a good reputable model agency will give you good free advice and never ask for money upfront. Avoid these people like the plague.
Its a very competitive world modelling, and there are zillions of bods trying to do it. You do have to be over 5'9 at least for catwalk.... I speak from experience. There is an association for models which lists info on all pucker ones.... not sure of the name but try and google various options like The associaltion of modelling agents, as they will list info on all sorts of agencies. That's it I've said my bit.
Good luck.

  • 13 years ago
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