Protecting Actors Agreement

Protecting Actors Agreement

Companies displaying the Footage Shield must first signup to the Protecting Actors Agreement as stipulated below:

"The Company" - Means the company which has signed up to this agreement.
"Cast & Crew" - Means any cast and crew engaged by the company who work on the production.
"The Final Footage" - Means the final cut of the film, tv show or online video.
"Showreel" - Means video footage, both online and on DVD, used to showcase a cast or crew member's work.

When casting a film, commerical, tv show or any production in which video footage will be taken, The Company agree to provide all Cast & Crew with a free DVD copy of The Final Footage.
The Company agree that at least 30 seconds of The Final Footage may be used by Cast & Crew in their showreel at no charge.
The company agree to provide a DVD or digital copy of The Final Footage to all Cast & Crew within 6 months of the end of the project.

Breach of Terms
Should the company fail to meet these obligations, the company will allow us to publish its name and details on their list of blacklisted companies until all Cast & Crew have received a DVD of The Final Footage.