Dragonfly House

2019, 60 minutes

A Chinese girl who was forced to be a prostitute in the UK through illegal immigration.

As a result of a dispute over debt in her family, Lily left her motherland alone to pay off the remaining family debt in the UK. She worked as a sex worker, who always desperately tried to separate life from her work in all those summers and winters. Her family's unrestrained levy of money and her bitterness from pathetically lonely days made her slowly drifted towards a vortex of pressure and misery. Her sole hope is to receive a legal identity, acts as a clean slate which can wash away her dark past. At the same time, a young Uni student's appearance blows away the haze in her life. He allows her to receive some emotional comfort and release from years of repression. Lamentably, the warmth of love disappears like the lights of fireflies. For the student, Lily was merely a newly presented toy for his age, it was only sensible to discard her after a few plays. Facing the betrayal from her family and her lover, she makes a decision. Let all begone, let all reset, she chases after her ideal life.

Connected mandy members:

Nicolo Melloni
Director of Photography
1st AC