Every Night I'm Falling Out of Nowhere

2011, 12 minutes

12 min psychological drama with the main theme as the power of denial.

Amy is an eighteen-year-old girl that lives in the city by herself. She is in high school, but at the same time she works as an A-class prostitute at nights. Her divorced parents, absent and distracted in their own microcosm, traumatized Amy by their inability to offer any real guidance and compassion. To compensate for their absence and to ease their guilt, Amy's parents have sent her to an expensive private school. In order to live the romantic life that every teenage girl dreams of, Amy has in her mind transformed the world of prostitution into a fairytale. Her clients become "sweet boyfriends" and paid sex; a tender and innocent childish game. She innerly wants to be a princess, and even when her imagination falls apart, she manages to restore it by wearing her expensive "princess-like" dresses that she hides in her big closet.

Connected mandy members:

Jim McLean
Focus Puller
Focus Puller