
2019, 15 minutes

Modern Day Slavery

A constant cycle of back and forth walking to and from school is seemingly unending; One-day GIRL notices MAN working in the fields on her route to school. Day after day the sparks of recognition begin, a smile, a wave, a hello. As the two start to form a relationship the MAN reveals that he is, in fact, a slave. GIRL is shocked and offers to help but MAN makes her promise not to tell anyone because of the potential repercussions. That night when her father arrives home, she is unable to keep her promise and tells DAD about MAN, hoping to help – he explodes in to a man we have never seen before, telling her she should not be talking to strangers, and she is forbidden from talking to him; grounded for a 2 weeks. GIRL may be 14 but she is nobodies fool and immediately realises the truth and in equal measure explodes at her father. She demands answers and makes DAD evaluate and accept what he has actually done – causing him to breakdown – he tries to justify his actions but GIRL knows there is no justification to it.

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