Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows

2014, 15 minutes

Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows is a short film that focuses on Hannah and Trish as they fight to re unite after a period of separation

Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows is a short film that focuses on Hannah and Trish as they fight to re unite after a period of separation. In the years after graduating from university, their friendship fell by the wayside. Given an opportunity to re-kindle their friendship, the girls head to a cafe to try to resolve old issues but can they overcome past wrongs and get back what was once lost? Joined by their boyfriends, the film affords the viewer a privileged position from both the male and female perspective as it explores the nature of relationships. From old friends to new, sparks fly and tensions run high as the past gets dragged back up and strung out for all to see. By following the girls in this manner, the film utilizes the theme of relationships as a social commentary on our own lives and experiences. Giving the viewer the unique perspective of seeing both sides of a situation allows for empathy within one’s own relationships. Using stereotypes and archetype friendships, we look forward to the audience laughing and crying with us as we explore the best and worst parts of social interactions. From the boundless opportunities of discovering kinship, to the soul-destroying jealousy that everyone can relate to.