I love the rain, but I can't live in a storm

2021, 15 minutes

An obsolescent pirate captain and his devout cook are hunted by a navy captain after their shipwrecks, leaving them washed up on a deserted island

Pirate Captain, James Lockwood, and his devout Cook, Arthur Buckley, become stranded on an island after a defeat leaves their ship wrecked. Washed up on a beach islet, they both try to come to terms with the situation they have found themselves in. It isn't long before they both become aware of how different they are from each other. Unknown to them, Jon Harvey - a Navy Captain - is close on their trail. Not only does he detest pirates, he has a past with his ships old Cook. Refusing to kill a pirate at his order due to his belief, is what sent Buckley running, eventually finding himself the same role on Lockwood's Ship. Whilst searching the beach, Harvey and a Navy Private spot a campfire the pair have set-up. By morning they reach the Camp. At the Camp it is made clear who they are looking for. A Pirate Captain is a bonus reward for them to take back to England. Looking to resist and not be taken back, Buckley pulls a gun on his former Captain. A misfire causes him to instead shoot Harvey's Private. Harvey fires back in return grazing Buckley's shoulder. This gives Lockwood enough time to make one last fight for survival. Lockwood, disappointed with his lackeys performance, decides to finish him off before engaging in a fight. The fight is bloody and brutal. Blows are exchanged evenly, leaving both men in the sand struggling to raise their blades. In a final bout of his strength, Lockwood picks himself up to confront Harvey and kill him. Finally setting Buckley free. Lockwood drops to the sand and dies at peace with himself. Buckley picks up his hat after saying a prayer for his Captain, sits down and looks over a shipless sea.

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