Ice-Cream Dreams

2011, 12 minutes

Depressed ice-cream man contemplates ending his life when his dreams to not quite match reality,

Ice-Cream Dreams (ICD) begins with Ice-Cream Man (ICM) passionlessly serving ice-cream to kids, before slumping into his driving seat to enjoy a beer and cigarette. After work he returns home to his messy caravan, and spends the evening reciting his extensive inner monologue to his pet goldfish (Tuco), drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and watching television, before repeating his daily cycle again. After once again returning from work, he begins to speak about his potential suicide attempts, entering his spare bedroom to reveal his walls covered in surreal ways of ending his life. Later that evening after pouring his heart out to Tuco, he drunkenly passes out, falling forward and knocking Tuco’s bowl over on the floor. ICM awakes the next morning to discover what he has done, causing him great grief and after angrily lashing out in his home, he calms down and gives Tuco a send off before flushing him down the toilet. He gets into his ice-cream van for work, but as he gets to his plot, he contemplates ending his life more than ever. However an old friend fortunately knocks at his window, in a chance encounter, and pays a genuine interest him and suggests extended interaction and a meet up. This sparks a new enthusiasm for life, as he finally leaves the ice-cream van to see the world in a new light. He returns home enlightened and tosses his gun away as a sign of no longer feeling the need to end his life, however the gun accidently discharges and ICM is shot in the stomach.

Companies involved in this production

Connected mandy members:

Keith Myers
The Ice Cream Man