Manilla Envelopes

Manilla Envelopes

2005, 84 minutes

Rude, brash and funny British gangster film

South London’s young women are been terrorised by the Battersea Ripper. Chief Inspector Stalker (Fletcher) and his underlings (Tyrone and Graham) couldn’t care less. Two corrupt journos (Dyer and McCoy) band together to find the killer. Two media moguls make millions from the story, but are busy blackmailing each other. What nobody counts on is a crazed Irish hitman running amok. Is he the killer? Or the good guy in disguise? A black comedy. Special appearances include Denise Van Outen (in chains, a light-heated look at domestic abuse) Alan Ford (‘Brick Top’ from Snatch, fallen on hard times methinks) and Kenny Baker, the real star of Star Wars. It makes Life of Brian look like a comedy.