Michael's Lives

2019, 27 minutes

A film exploring a character under the effects of a fictional drug.

Imagine, for me please, that you know yourself to be married to the woman of your dreams. She is utterly perfect for you in every way. Her eyes are like jewels you find yourself climbing towards catching a glimpse of. You don’t really know her. You don’t know what her name is, where she’s from, where you met, when you met, how you get along. You don’t even remember your wedding. Or maybe, you remember suffering some vague traumatic memory. Why it happened you can’t place, the context leading up to it, the people involved. Only that it happened. This is the world through Michael’s eyes. A world without context. Where events are just known to have happened, all connected by the crashing of drums. After a dealer suddenly comes into his life, his world will be turned upside down and all of Michael’s Lives will be changed forever.

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