Mind The Gap

2006, 90 minutes

University Love triangle in London.

University is a lot like sex: pressure is the driving force behind them both. Living and studying in London can be fun and challenging at the same time. 'Mind The Gap' is a tale about the mistrust in relationships and focuses on the lives of three university students who are infatuated and perhaps even in love with each other. Marcello is a hedonistic Classics student who has fantastic chemistry with Claudia. Unfortunately, she takes a year out to travel abroad and expand her horizons. Meanwhile, Marcello starts to date Sophie, who is excessively paranoid, mistrustful and jealous of any girl who is close with her boyfriend. Emotions run high when Claudia returns to London and Sophie suspects a raging passionate affair unfolding between Marcello and Claudia. A love triangle prevails and one wonders who will really get hurt at the end of it all. Marcello is obsessed with Claudia, but she has her eyes on Sophie. Intrigues persist, partying reigns supreme, whilst cheating is just another meaningless word and threesomes are common occurrences and they all add to the tension and fragile relationship these three maintain. Filmed entirely on location in London's most popular areas as well as in rarely seen venues within various universities in London, 'Mind The Gap' will redefine party life and university will never be the same