The Amazing Charlie

2013, 11 minutes

When Charlie spots a beautiful young lady dropping her scarf, he makes it his mission to return the scarf to her. However fate has other plans for Charlie.

Charlie a street performer spends his days down by the riverside performing his act to various members of the public. However Charlie is in fact not a very good street performer and fails to capture the attention of the public. Accept for one… while eating a banana Charlie spots a Beautiful Lady who he falls in love with at first sight. He throws his banana peal to the floor and begins to perform his act to the beautiful lady and all though its terrible she can’t help but laugh along. Eventually the beautiful lady has to carry on with her day, but in the process of leaving she drops her red scarf. Not noticing she carries’ on without it, but Charlie makes it his mission to return the scarf back to her. As Charlie tries to catch up with the Beautiful lady, a road of traffic blocks his path. He watches as the beautiful lady walks off in the distance on the other side. He waves the scarf high into the air hoping it may catch her attention, when it disappears from his hand. The Scarf has become caught to a cyclist helmet and is now traveling off in the wrong direction! Charlie chases after the cyclist, who enters into a park. Charlie tries to cut across the park and get in front of the cyclist to head him off. The Cyclist however does not spot Charlie standing in front of him and the two crashes into one and other. When Charlie sits up from the crash he spots the scarf caught in the wind flying across the park. He chases after it. In the process of trying to recapture the scarf, Charlie narrowly misses crashing into a mum and her pram, and ruining a small child’s ice cream. He does however manage to smudge ice cream all over a old mans face, and in the process of trying to clean the old man Charlie manages to wipe baby sick over him. Charlie does not have time to deal with the now angry old man, and he spots the scarf landing into a pond. Charlie tries to reach the scarf, which is now stuck in the middle of the pond, but can’t quite reach. The old man spots Charlie down by the pond and decided to take revenge and push Charlie into the pond. However Charlie managed to grab the scarf and get back up onto his feet before the Old Man can push him in. The Old man loses his balance and falls over into the pond, Charlie however does not notice and he is two thrilled to have finale gotten the scarf back. His celebrations are premature though as Charlie does not spot a football flying towards his face… Charlie may have got the scarf back, but he has lost the girl. He wonders back to the river feeling rather sorry for himself. When he arrives back at the river he thinks he spots the Beautiful lady but discovers it to be in fact a man. Frustrated over the day he has had, Charlie throws the scarf to the floor and heads for home. On his way though he encounters the cyclist and the old man again, the cyclist makes an attempt at punching Charlie but by mistake hits the Old Man. While the Cyclist helps the Old Man back to his feet Charlie spots the beautiful girl who has returned to find her scarf. The Old Man and the Cyclist release that Charlie is in love and decides to forgive him, and send him on his way to get the girl. Charlie runs trying to catch up with the beautiful lady, a big smile on his face… But then slips… Charlie slips on the banana peal he threw away at the start of the film. When Charlie gets back up from the floor, the girl and the scarf are gone. Charlie depressed heads for home… but Charlie does not release he has dropped his hat. A young girls similar to Charlie picks up his hat, she waves it high into the air trying to catch Charlie attention as he walks away, then begins to chase after him with his hat.

Companies involved in this production

Connected mandy members:

Lana MacIver
Attractive Woman