The Inaudible Crimes of Jasper Pidgeon

2009, 15 minutes

The follies of a fearful mind...

The Inaudible Crimes of Jasper Pidgeon is a suspenseful yarn is about an architect, Jasper, who flees from his offices after a recent disturbance to the “peace and quiet” of his sister Millie’s remote island sheep farm. Yet in his escape from the mental tide of city life, Jasper becomes taunted by rock piles that follow him around the island, as he spirals down and down into his own fears and apprehensions. <P> This Brother-Sister tale is half tragedy and half whimsy, transforming bleak-looking landscapes and dour characters into a zany and surreal experience about the very intimate ways that families come together around misunderstanding one another, and provide the best environment for misunderstanding ourselves.

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Jasper Pidgeon