Wood for the Trees

2019, 4 minutes

When four retirees realise they are lost in the woods, Carol attempts to use her new smartphone to find a way out of the darkness, inadvertently beginning a social media live stream instead.

When four retirees realise they are lost in the woods, Carol attempts to use her new smartphone to find a way out of the darkness, inadvertently beginning a social media live stream instead. Oblivious to the presence of a gathering online audience, the situation quickly devolves as panic sets in, relationship issues rise to the surface, and just where did the home button go? Wood for the Trees is a black comedy satirising themes of the generation gap, disillusionment, and genuine anxiety over technology, social media and the wider future to communicate the absurd and uneasy headspace of 2019 Britain.

Connected mandy members:

Carol (Lead)
Simon Dawson
Production Assistant
Writer, Director, Editor.