Anyone got any tips or tricks in the art of finding locations?

Adam King
Director (Self Shooting)

Hi Mandy users!

I'm on the look out for locations for a short film project. As this is a part of pre production I struggle with, I thought I'd put a message out and see if anyone has got any advice or recommendations for locations etc.
Also if there are any aspiring producers out there wanting to get involved in making short films, then please get in touch, it would be great to connect and work together!

Thanks for reading!

  • 4 years ago
  • 630
  • 3
Nathan Russell-Raby
Development Producer

I assume you mean practically rather than aesthetically. Depends on the type of project.

Typically, operating businesses are more likely to let you in if you can do a night-shoot (if you're willing to pay someone to come in with the key to let you in and out.)

If you need road closures, it's best to find No-Through-Roads - I've never had any objections to closing off no-through roads but bus routes have proven a nightmare.

In terms of convincing people to let you do it, I would suggest finding locations that might have a vested interest in the subject matter of your film.

Personal examples - the motorsports museums we spoke to practically snapped our hands off when we asked to interview a racing legend in their museum for our documentary. They charged no fee.

Prior to that, I did a short drama based on the true story of a double witch burning on the Isle of Man. The Manx heritage board typically had a flat locations fee of £1000 per day, but owing to the historical nature of the piece, they wavered the fee and we spent five days filming in their medieval castle (court-room, dungeons and we burned the witch in the gardens) - a day in their 1700's village-life museum, and half a day on their private beach.

Targeted approaches work best, what's in it FOR THEM to let you use their property?

  • 4 years ago
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Adam King
Director (Self Shooting)

Hey Nathan,
Yes I do mean practically but a bit of both really, thanks very much for your input! I'll definitely keep that in mind when looking, certainly about being a good salesman.

  • 4 years ago
  • 2
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