Hugh's Stalkathon

Hugh Osborne

Hi everyone;

In an effort to find an agent (AGAIN!), I've begun a systematic marathon trawl through CCP checking out agents and their clients (seeing who's been working regularly/recently etc).

The only reason I'm telling you all this, Inspector, is because, for some strange reason, whenever I check out someone's CCP profile - and they then inevitably check out mine in return - I always feel unaccountably guilty/voyeuristic. Does anybody else get this same feeling? (Please SOMEONE say yes...).

Anyway, should your profile get a visit or multiple visits from me over the next few weeks, don't worry. I'm not stalking you - even though I am.

Best Wishes


PS I would also like to contact some of you privately, as I have -gasp- been approached recently by a couple of agents, and such questions I have about them - for those of you who are represented by them and who use the green room regularly - I feel uncomfortable about asking in a public forum. Hope this is okay.

Anyway, enough of my paranoid bleatings.


  • 17 years ago
  • 5,418
  • 92
Hugh Osborne

I agree, Sasha: I was taken by surprise by the benign, avuncular presence beaming out at me. Where oh where has the Luc Besson psychopath gone? (Tout dit avec affection, mon brave. Ca, c'est la verite.)

  • 17 years ago
  • 61
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TOTALLY TOTALLY understand the paranoia. Plus, it's such a vicious cycle because when you look at someone's profile, they look back, I look back coz i'm freaked out and so on. NIGHTMARE!

Was at my agency showcase the other week and they all said exactly the same too- so embrace the shame my loves!.

chris x

  • 17 years ago
  • 62

chris, I thought the whole point about posting anonymously was that people couldn't know who you are... but you just signed your post! So, I am lost, confused, bemused as to this anon thing: is there more to it that meets the eyes, is it a secret sect, or... something?
Sasha you just made me blush, thanks hun ;-) You're rather pleasing to the eyes yourself - I thought that my stalkers deserved more, so I thought this pic in which I look like I have no neck would do th trick.
Hugh, Luc Besson psychopath? Don't know who you're talking about!

  • 17 years ago
  • 63
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..and a thank you back kind Sir for the compliment...see what a lovely thread this has turned into? No longer a stalkathon but a mututal admiration society thread!!

God bless us all!!!

  • 17 years ago
  • 64
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Pierre, are all thos photos really of the same person?!
That's another reason I look at people's profiles more than once - when they change their photos...
I'm just nosey really!

  • 17 years ago
  • 65
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Also am partial to a sneaky peak of others profiles (i am also quite nosey!) Just wanted to know tho how you send personal messages to people? Am I stupid or blind just cannot see where it is?
cheers all

  • 17 years ago
  • 66
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you go through the 'contact by site' option if you're doing it through looking at their profile or in the green room their is a link - 'send private reply' next to the thumnail pics...
go on, take your stalking to the next level!

  • 17 years ago
  • 67
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oh yeah! you learn a new thing everyday! Beware all!

  • 17 years ago
  • 68

Yes Helen, I am personality disorder personified. OK, not really, I just have face made out of rubber!

  • 17 years ago
  • 69
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So it would seem! A good quality for an actor of course.

  • 17 years ago
  • 70

thanks for being so kind Helen - and hopefully one day I'll get all the other qualities too!

  • 17 years ago
  • 71
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Ha ha!
You already have it would seem by the advice you dispence on this site.

  • 17 years ago
  • 72

Was just trying to be modest, merde, it didn't work!

  • 17 years ago
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Guilty as charged... I guess it's because that person's profile comes up in the 'featured artist' and I usually click on it... just cuz you can, really... It does feel a little stalky but I also like to know what else other people have done and sometimes, who their photographer is.

  • 17 years ago
  • 74

Well I am going to be boring and agree with everyone too.
It is great to see what everyone has been up to, and also reaffirms that even though I havn't had "accredited training" (in the UK anyway) and havn't been here that long, other people are in the same boat and manage to secure an agent or audition.
Its kind of corny but it gives you that, I can do anything attitude, which is great momentum in one's life! Especially grand for our industry and it generally helps give you a bit of direction and "insider info" as most of you have already pointed out. This industry can be very aimless sometimes and knowing what others have done gives you a starting point for your own choices.
Plus..... c'mon ..... admit it ...... you're all checking each other out!!

  • 17 years ago
  • 75

Of course we are, just checked you out too! Come on all the hot totties out there, feel free to continue checking me out, it just boost my ego very nicely thank you!

  • 17 years ago
  • 76
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Wouldn't class myself as Hot Tottie Pierre but just thought I'd bring a smile to your day and stalk your profile!!

Took a look at your pics and think that you should officially join the "Chameleon Clan" started by another very fine gentleman on this site and myself. Anyone else who thinks they are worthy by dint of a plethora of different personas displayed on their profile, please feel free to step forward and be counted!

We welcome you all!!


  • 17 years ago
  • 77

This stalking is so addictive! I look at profiles all the time, going back to certain ones on a regular basis to see what everyone's been up to. I even look at my own about five times a day to see if anything's changed…that's a little sad isn't it?

About being a chameleon…well if having a headshot that makes me look like a cats bum in make-up, then I think that's got to be on the money!!

  • 17 years ago
  • 78

Holy crap!! I just got hit by like a thooooousand eyes!! You kids are so crrrrazy! haha.

  • 17 years ago
  • 79
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Helena, you must be mad! You look stunning in your headshot! You might need glasses if you think you look bad!!

Welcome to the Chameleon Clan


  • 17 years ago
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