If you had your time again would you still train as an actor / go into professional acting?

Nigel Peever

I just did the CCP survey just now and I found that the hardest question, in the end I whimped out and left it blank. I've truly loved it for all my 31 years since I first did a professional job, and I think I've been pretty lucky over the years, I loved the amdrams when I was a youngster too, but the insecurity and all the rejections and the jobs you take just for the minimal cash make it a very bitter sweet question to answer!
How did our other older actors get on with that question? was it so black and white for you? :-)

  • 13 years ago
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  • 23
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I might not have been in the profession as long as many, but through all the rejections, lack of cash and rubbish jobs to get by, YES I'd do it all again.
Some people go through life never knowing what they want to do, and I'm just glad I'm on the path I've chosen.

  • 12 years ago
  • 21
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