Recent profile views?

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Has anyone else had any unusual activity with their recent profile views recently? Over the last 4 days I have had several instances where I have had in a brief period of time, about an hour, up to 30 views at a time with a few minutes in between. It has happened 5 times all from different IP addresses. Has anyone else experienced this. I dont think it is of any huge significance but just interested why this has happened.

Thanks for your time.

  • 11 years ago
  • 5,877
  • 30
Guy Press

Indeed lots of views are bots for various search engines.

The Real acid test is profile view to audition ratio for sites that get you work...... that way you can monitor stats properly.

Best to all!

  • 11 years ago
  • 21
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@Michael Barkhordar

I'm not sure I agree with you Michael, having google'd my name just now, and scrolling through pages 1 to 50 and I don't see my name plus CCP there; would I have to scroll further into the search higher page number to get the hit you are suggesting?


  • 11 years ago
  • 22
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751 websites returned googling my name but no page links my name plus CCP.

I've been through the lot and nada; although I am on as a 23 year from redhill, UK as Model, Actor, Musician, Film & Stage Crew.

Well, I didnt know that!?!

  • 11 years ago
  • 23

You might have a popular name Stuart. You can check in your account settings whether or not your profile is listed in google.

  • 11 years ago
  • 24
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@Catherine Stobbs

I just checked; my profile is hidden from google, so that can't be how these IP addresses in USA, Russia, China, UK are finding me.

The account on that googling my name returned is not mine. 23 years old? That would be 1990 for me to be that age. I hope he makes it into the bigtime and I can get some work by people booking me by mistake ;-)

  • 11 years ago
  • 25

They're Bots. The site is probably under constant latent attack,like most are, through "packages" probing our online links.

If its not that, then it's possible you have become famous without knowing why.
It's Bots.

BTW I am not a hacker and I don't live in Nottingham.

  • 11 years ago
  • 26
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@ Stuart this my link that shows up my name in google search

Michael Barkhordar, actor Michael Barkhordar, actor, I have been acting for over 3 years now and have participated in

However, I intentionally searched my name with casting call pro in the search term just for this purpose, without it still shows up.

  • 11 years ago
  • 27

Most of mine are from China why would anyone from china want to look at my profile, its really annoying me, all these random ip address coming up but I'm glad I'm not the only one because I was starting to panic until I looked on the forum pages to find this post.

Thought I was being stalked by China.

Hollywood agents and director are very welcome to view my profile.

  • 11 years ago
  • 28
Themba Robin
Voice Artist

I know this is an ancient thread ! But Ive landed up here in search of answers and it this point
it seems all we have is questions and a few common occurrences across the board .

Assuming most comments are from 2013 , it now being 2020 has anybody ever gotten to the bottom
of it ?

  • 3 years ago
  • 29
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