Theatre Producers

Matt Hansen

I'm finding it difficult to find theatre producers and production companies that accept unsolicited scripts for consideration. Does anyone have a list or recommendations? Also, if you are an experienced theatre producer, I'd love to hear from you.

Many thanks and best wishes.

  • 2 years ago
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  • 4

Hi Matt,

I worked as a script consultant for a while after I did my MA in Scriptwriting. A friend of mine who worked as a director for the west end told me that he very rarely will read through any scripts sent to him. What they tend to want is a 'treatment' or a step by step outline of the story.

Do give me a message and I can give you more info if you'd like!


  • 2 years ago
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Jimmy Messer

Hi Matt, there are plenty of actors here willing to do zoom readings. This can help you work out points of improvement and will open up the opportunity to invite agents and or managers in to watch the reading. If you can sign with an agent ( with relationships in the industry), you then don't have to worry about throwing scripts into the void.

  • 2 years ago
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You might know this already, but there are quite a few professional and non-professional theatres (in London anyway) that regularly do call-outs for new writing to showcase. I've acted in a few of these productions at theatres, including Theatre 503, Barons Court Theatre, Tower Theatre and KDC. Even if it's a non professional theatre and there's no money involved it's a great way of seeing it up on its feet and getting feedback.

  • 2 years ago
  • 3
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