Too lazy to specify playing ages

Albert Clack

Am I the only one getting fed up with the apparently increasing tendency of people posting casting calls under 'opportunities' to leave the playing age boxes blank?

It means you have to go into each post to find out whether it might suit your age, and obviously the answer is usually that it doesn't.

It must be counter-productive for the advertisers, because I for one have more or less given up bothering to look at posts with blank ages - and nothing I ever do is unique!

  • 11 years ago
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Toni Brooks

Hi Tony
If an age range here starts one year after your starting age (46 rather than 45) you can't go for it despite it being within your range. With Spotlight you can apply for any age that falls within your specified range.

  • 11 years ago
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Mark Joseph

This debate is futile.

We have raised the age issue many, many times on this board, they will not budge, trust me. Their comment will be that the client prefers it that way. Of course, keeping the client happy is important, but you'd think as we are the subscribers, making the service optimal for us would be the primary concern, but there you go.

I guarantee you, they are more than aware of the situation, that the vast majority of actors on here find the age system limiting and annoying, but it WILL NOT be changed.

  • 11 years ago
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CCP would soon change it if we all banded together and told them we weren't going to renew our subs

  • 11 years ago
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Tell that "will not be changed" to the suffragettes..

It does seem silly when Spotlight provides a much more flexible service.

Is there a great wealth of difference between a 40 and a 41 year old actor? Arguably not.

  • 11 years ago
  • 24
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