Ethnicity filter

Oz Direncay

Hello, omnipotent Mandy forces, I was wondering if you could install an ethnicity filter when searching for jobs on the website. I currently have filters set for searching (Male - London - My Age) but it is still a waste of time when jobs are posted but for a specific ethnicity that I obviously don't qualify for.

Does anyone else agree that this would be helpful?

  • 4 years ago
  • 2,346
  • 9

Completely agree with this. It is frustrating when you have searched through a whole listing, and it all seems perfect for you, then at the bottom is says looking for an ethnicity you are not. Would be great to have this filter

  • 4 years ago
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Saurin Shah

That's absolutely true. This will save a lot of time we can screen most appropriate positions which may be just 10% of the many unsuitable ones

  • 4 years ago
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Chris Lewry

Yes, I agree. I filter by age and gender but I have found a few that when I go into the details I do not match ethnicity. This filter would be a great enhancement and time saver when looking for jobs. As we select our ethnicity in our own profiles, I am sure from a development prospective that this is easy to add as a search filter....

  • 4 years ago
  • 3
Private User
This profile is private

100% agree!!! Such a waste of all our times - I tweeted Mandy about this sometime ago and got some rubbish, short response that they already had filters...clearly not!!!

  • 4 years ago
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Lisa Harbron

This would save so much time. Please Mandy!!!

  • 4 years ago
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Chiara Fumanti
Actor, Singer

Agreed!! There is nothing more frustrating than spending your time reading a brief, only to realise that you are not the right ethnicity! It would be very helpful to have a filter!

  • 4 years ago
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Trev Neo

I concur, as you may imagine.

  • 4 years ago
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Saurin Shah

Also would be great to have the filter mandatory, default being No Preference, to make sure casting people don't leave the information blank but rather commit to either specify that the role is open to all ethnicities or for some that matches the role and character

  • 4 years ago
  • 8
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